LTE Antenna Performance Comparison

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LTE Antenna Performance Comparison
LTE 안테나 성능 비교

Overview 소개

There are several types of antennas that go inside a laptop, and the test results I got from them were very different, which is why I wrote this article.
Test results are very personal and not guaranteed.

안테나 테스트 후 얻은 테스트 결과가 매우 달랐기에 글을 작성.
테스트 결과는 개인적인 경험에 따른 것이며, 보장되지 않음.

Conculusion 결론

Since the thickness difference is not significant, I recommend a product that uses a standard PCB with better performance.

두께가 심각하게 차이나는게 아니기에 가능한 성능이 좋은 일반 PCB 가 장착된 제품을 추천.

Result:Flexible PCB 결과:플렉서블PCB

  • SINR (dB) : 6.0-7.6

Result:Standard PCB 결과:일반PCB

2. PCB (copper tape, shrink tube)

  • SINR (dB) : 13-21

Refrence 참조
