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위 주소 글에서 이어지는 내용입니다.

(글 내용 정리중...)


# If you have WD SN750 product. request RMA to WD, WD will replace to WD SN850X #

# WD SN750 제품을 소유하고 계시며 아래 사유와 같다면 WD 미국에 RMA신청하시면 SN850X로 교체해 줍니다 #

해당 제품은 아마존에서 직구로 구매하셨을 경우 월드 워런티 제품이라 WD 한국에서 진행을 도와주지만 일단 WD 미국에 신청하세요. (다른 경로로 구입한 것은 잘 모르겠습니다)

한국 WD에서는 현재 재고가 없기 때문에 12월 말에나 가능하다고 합니다.


    Customer: Frist Question 10.26 ( US Timezone )
check this url at first.
My firmware is the problematic version and I want to change to 111000WD.
Why the sn850 problem be solved quickly but the sn750 problem not solve yet?
Do I have to report this to the FCC for my right to get my product to work to normally?

    WD: Frist Answer 10.29
Useless answered from the WD US.

    Customer: Update 10.30

I am inquiring about this issue.
WD had the same problem with the sn850, but why did the sn850 fix it quickly and leave the sn750 unfixed?

Currently, the sn750 model is not showing the speed as indicated. Can I understand this as a scam?
Should consumers take it to legal issues to resolve this?

    WD: Request Informations 10.31
request for system information, many program logs, benchmarks, SSD photo

    Customer: Update 11.8
Submission of evidence. It took time because it asked for too much detail data.

    WD: Request Act 11.10
ask test again with enable write cache.

    Customer: Update 11.10
Submission of evidence with wd requested data

    WD: Update 11.12
They requested proof of purchase and replied that they would replace it with a Sn770 product.

    Customer: Update 11.13
I sent them the price difference from Amazon with the "Magnuson-Moss Warranty" for the product.

Currently, we are still talking with WD about this, but I got an answer that WD would exchange it for an SN770 product, but it is difficult to agree that it will be exchanged for a low-end (DRAM-less) product, which is not the same level product.

현재 WD와 이것 때문에 계속 이야기를 하고 있지만 SN770 제품으로 교환해주겠다는 답변을 받았습니다만, 동급 제품도 아니고 하급(디램리스)제품으로 교환 해준다는 것에는 동의 하기 어려운 상황입니다. 

현재 아마존 가격 currently amazon price.
SN750 2tb: discount: $267(normal: $379.99), SN770 2tb: discount: $179(normal: $269.99)

고객을 우롱하는 수준입니다.

Magnuson-Moss Warranty—Federal Trade Commission Improvement Act


§2301. Definitions
(11) The term "replacement" means furnishing a new consumer product which is identical or reasonably equivalent to the warranted consumer product.

미국 법에도 명시가 되어 있습니다.
"대체" 라는 용어는 보증된 소비자 제품과 동일하거나 합리적으로 동등한 새로운 소비자 제품을 제공하는 것을 의미합니다.

    WD: Update 11.14
would replace it for a SN 850X with an explanation of the price difference.

아마존 가격의 차이에 대한 설명과 함께 SN 850X 로 교체해 준다는 답변을 받았습니다. 일단 SN750제품은 단종이 되었기 때문에 남아있는 일부 제품 가격이 올라갈 수 있다고 설명을 받았습니다.

Thank you for your response. Please allow us to inform you that SN770 NVMe M.2 SSD is an upgraded model of SN750 SSD. 
The SN750 is an EOL product, the higher price could be due tothe fact that it is no longer made.

if you consent then we will replace the drive with SN 850X NVMe M.2 SSD. The drive will be shipped with the latest firmware available for this drive. Please provide us with the following information so that we can register the drive and proceed with the RMA.

- Copy of proof of purchase
- Phone number (for shipping & technical support call back only)
- Shipping address (no P.O. Box please)
- Do you consent to share your address with our shipping provider?

    Customer: Update 11.15
Submit a copy of purchase receipt.

    WD: Created an RMA 11.15
demand to return it to the WD Korea Center.
Complete RMA Request Creation && Shipment for Product Return with WD Korea
RMA 요청 생성 완료 && 한국 WD 로 제품 반납을 위한 발송

Thank you for your patience. I understand that you want an RMA with an upgrade to WD Black SN850X. 

    Customer: Update 11.17
Inquiries about the RMA process.

    WD: Update 11.18
Our service center in Korea will ship a replacement to your RMA address within 10-15 days.

    Customer: Update 11.22
I got a call from WD Service Center in Korea today and they don't seem to have any information about this RMA. ( of course I wrote RMA number,Printed out the RMA email and sent it. )
They tried to exchange it for the same sn750 product.So I said that the RMA content was to replace it with the SN850X.
WD service center in korea said they will contact WD headquarters tomorrow.

The WD Korea service center said they don't have the SN850X product, so will the head office send it to me?

    LIVE Chat 11.22
I was trying to live chat with inquiries about not being able to properly handle my work in Korea and currently not having stock for SN850X service in Korea, but a sudden call from WD Korea Center interrupted me, asking me to turn off LIVE chat right away.

When I heard the story, it was in progress, but he told me to wait and said that things were getting complicated because of you.

But that had absolutely nothing to do with me.

I tried to inquire about other shipping methods or specific issues by contacting the head office. Why is WD Korea Center interfering with customer service?
I was trying to live chat with inquiries about not being able to properly handle my work in Korea and currently not having stock for SN850X service in Korea, but a sudden call from WD Korea Center interrupted me, asking me to turn off LIVE chat right away.

When I heard the story, it was in progress, but he told me to wait and said that things were getting complicated because of you.

But that had absolutely nothing to do with me.

I tried to inquire about other shipping methods or specific issues by contacting the head office. Why is WD Korea Center interfering with customer service?

    Customer: Update 11.22
There is currently no SN850X product in WD Korea, so I have to get it from the head office and give it to me, but it is said that I can receive it around the end of December, not the 10-15 days I first heard about it.

It's so different from the story at first. 
I wish WD North America would send it directly to me.

    WD: Update 11.25
I have checked through the case record, I understand your concern and I am really sorry for the experience.

We are sorry that currently there is no stock in WD Korea service center, we have escalated to the WD Vietnam warehouse to see if there is available stock. I will update as soon as I get reply, which is a faster way to get the replacement.

WD in the US replied that it would be exchanged at a WD service center in Korea, but
I heard from the domestic service center that the SN 850X was not in stock at all at the service center, and I had already talked to WD twice about this a few times, but I got a reply that it will be replaced within 10-15 days, and accordingly, the product I did used return it.

However, I received a call from the WD Korea saying that it would be available in the last week of December.
WD Korea recommaned contact the US WD again to complain.Because WD said get to replacement it in would take 5-10 days

The counselor said that he would act according to the manual and that he would continue to contact Korea and do his best. He told me not to transfer the responsibility to another place since everything had already been talked about with Korea.

After that, after explaining the contents again, the customer clearly informed WD that Korea was out of stock twice, but WD in the US did not even check the stock status and the company was responsible for the mistake of WD saying it would take 10 days to return it. Protest not to shift responsibility.

I was contacted to find out how to pass it on to the current higher level department.

각 국가의 WD 센터들 사이의 의사소통이 잘 안되는 것 같음.

WD 미국 의 답변은 한국 WD 서비스센터에서 교환해준다고 하였지만, WD 한국에서 이전에 이미 듣기로 SN 850X 재고가 서비스센터에는 아예 없다는 것을 들었고, 이 내용을 몇차례 WD 미국에 이미 두차례 이야기 했지만 10~15일내로 교체해준다고 답변을 받았고 그에 따라 제가 사용하던 제품을 반납.

제품을 수요일에 보냈는데 다음날 연락이 없어서 금요일에 연락하니 제가 보낸 박스가 없다고 함. (우체국에서 개인정보 사유로 이름 중간을 별표 표시로 가려서 보내는 터라 생긴 문제)

시간 들여 찾았고 금요일 저녁이나 월요일 일찍 연락 주겠다고 하였지만
화요일 저녁 6시쯤 연락 받음, 이제 제품 반납 확인했다면 연락.

WD 한국에서는 갑자기 아직 sn750 2tb 제품이 남아 있다며 교체해 준다며 연락 받음.
RMA 내용은 sn850x 로 교환인데 무슨 말이냐, 하니 다시 알아보겠다며 또 시간 낭비.

하지만 12월중 마지막 주 정도에 받을 수 있다고 한국 WD 서비스센터에서 연락 받음, WD 한국 에서는 더 이상 도와드릴 방법이 없다며 미국 WD와 직접 상의 할 것을 추천.

다시 WD 미국 센터에 연락하여 항의. (10~15일 걸린다고 하여 반납하였기 때문에)

WD 미국 상담원이 자신은 메뉴얼 대로 행동한다고 하였고, 계속 한국에 연락해 최선을 다하겠다고 하여, 이미 WD 한국과는 모든 이야기가 끝났으니 다른 곳으로 책임전가 하지 말라고 하니, 갑자기 시니어 테크니션 을 연결해 주겠다고 하여, 일단 받아들였습니다.

그 후 시니어 테크니션 분께서는 기술적인 문제는 없는 것 같은데 무슨 상담내용인지 확인하겠다며 다시 내용 설명 후 고객이 분명히 한국 WD 에 재고가 없다고 들은 내용을 두번이나 알렸지만, WD 미국 에서는 제품 재고 현황도 확인하지 않고, 10일 걸린다며 반납 하라고 한 WD 실수는 사측에서 책임질 내용이지 고객에게 책임 전가 하지 말라고 항의.

현재 상위 부서에 전달하여 방법을 알아보겠다고 연락 받음.

WD에서 무언가를 알아보고 연락 준다는 것은 보통 2~3일의 시간이 소요됨.

    Customer: Update 11.28
WD KoreaWe are very busy, Our work is delayed because of you. they asked why did you call again?
CustomerThe schedule is constantly being delayed due to the time difference with the United States, so I contacted you because I wanted to take action in advance. 
(Because they've already done their job like dog shit before and it takes too long.)
WD Korea: (There was a explanation. In short, their words) shut up and wait. (not actually saying.)
WD KoreaCustomer chose to receive the SN850X and said that the reason for the delay was because of the customer himself.
CustomerWhat I requested in the first place was a firmware update of the sn 750 product. it wasn't not my fault at all. WD sold the defective one.
WD Koreait was because of you.
WD Koreawd korea got angry saying that I should know about it?

Why WD didn't you prepare a replacement product while selling it in Korea?
Why does WD sell problematic products in the first place and not solve them?

WD 한국에 전화하니 자기들 바쁜데 왜 계속 연락 하냐며 한마디로 닥치고 기다려라 식으로 답변 받음. (미국에 연락해보라고 해서 한 다음에 후속조치에 관한 문의를 한번 했을 뿐인데, 지난번에도 일 처리 개같이(RMA내용 확인 없이 멋대로 처리 하려 했고, 시간 낭비) 해놓고 또 잘못 되면 그 시간을 오롯이 고객이 견뎌내야 함)
WD 한국: 당신이 선택해서 SN850X 받기로 한 것이 아니냐며 늦어지는 이유가 고객 때문인 것처럼 말함.
고객: 처음 요구 했던 것은 기존 제품 펌웨어 업데이트 였으며 WD에서는 불가능 하다며 SN770(디램리스)을 제안했지만 동급 제품으로 요구 했으며 SN850X 준다고 하여 10~15일 내로 교체될 것이라 하여 제품을 반납.

WD 한국: 고객님 제가 그걸 다 알아야 하나요? 고객님 때문에 우리 일이 너무 늦어지고 있습니다. 
(누가 보면 매일 전화한 사람으로 생각하겠습니다)

제가 댁들이 바쁜지 왜 알아야 하나요? 10일 걸린다고 해놓고 12월 말에 준다는 건 정상인지. 마치 WD 한국은 WD와 아무 관계 없다는 식으로 계속 이야기.

애초에 그럼 말을 왜 꺼낸 건지 이해 불가.
애초에 불량제품 왜 판매 한건지 이해 불가.
애초에 같은 문제인 sn850은 펌웨어 업데이트, sn750은 단종처리.

이런 식으로 시간 끌면서 늦게 줄 것 같다는 느낌.
앞으로 WD 한국(명**)에 연락 시 직원분이 괭~~장히 바쁘시며 당신때문에 모든 업무가 마비 되니 전화는 조심 해서 하시길.

    WD: Update 11.29
We have just received the reply from Vietnam warehouse, we are sorry that they do not have the inventory. We are trying our best to check whether other warehouses have inventory and will update them as soon as possible.

    Customer: Update 11.29
content of the complaint.
    WD: Update 11.30
I hope you are doing well.

Thank you for your information and feedback, and we will conduct an investigation.

As for your replacement products, our RMA team is now contacting other warehouses to see if they are in stock, and will give feedback as soon as possible. Please rest assured that we have prioritized this case.

Thank you for your support for WD products, and again I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

### personal opinion ###
WD's message has been translated into real English.

Why you still alive? 
Stop ask to us and we will do not anyhing at all.
We have no interest in your products and we have no intention of giving you our products any time soon.
None of our staff is paying attention to this case.
WD hope you will continue to be our idiot customer and hope you will continue to handle our inconvenience and risk
### end of personal opinion ###
    WD: Update 12.5
We have got the feedback from the Vietnam warehouse, the WD Vietnam warehouse has requested the stock for the model of SN850X 2TB.

The estimated time of arrival for the stock available might be on the beginning on the next week.

Once the stock is received, we will arrange the shipment and update the tracking information.

    Customer: Update 12.6
Investigation inquiries into poor attitudes of employees.
    WD: Update 12.7
As for this employee, we have forwarded the information and details to the relevant team for investigation. we will update to you once there is a feedback. Thanks for your feedback and understanding.
    WD: Update 12.8
The Vietnam warehouse is available for the stock and has arranged the shipment.
The tracking information is as below:
UPS, -----------------------
The product will be sent to the following address.
    Package Delivered 12.9

<개인정보 모자이크 처리>


  1. 같은 문제로 골치가 아픕니다만... 도움을 좀 받을 수 있을까요?

    1. 겪고 계시는 내용을 댓글로 알려주시면 제가 가능한 내에서 도움 드리겠습니다.


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