Motorola Razr (android 2.3.6) 업데이트 하지 마세요.

현재 모토로라 레이저 구입시 절대 시스템 업데이트(2.3.6으로)를 ICS 업데이트 이전에 하지 말것을 권합니다.

2.3.5에선 문제 없던 점들이 2.3.6 으로 업데이트 후에 심각한 문제가 생기는데 와이파이, 3g 데이터 속도가 빠를시 예를 들어 다음 tvpot 같은 동영상 클릭후 android app 로 연결되서 재생되는 류의 것들중 짧은 시간의 것은 문제가 없지만

10~50분의 동영상에서 문제가 발생되며 이는 모토로라 한국 서비스 센터에서도 확인해주었으며(와이파이 에 한해서 테스트) 더 테스트 해본 결과 motocast 를 이용한 것도 간혹 파일 다운로드 시 파일이 제대로 전송되지 않는 경우(확실하지 않음)도 생기고 있습니다.

Youtube 나 아프리카 처럼 자체 app로 보여지는것들은 현재 까지 아무 문제가 없음.

문제발생 시점의 로그.

V 285 /system/bin/mediaserver MediaPlayerService [22] getCurrentPosition = 368361
V 285 /system/bin/mediaserver MediaPlayerService [22] isPlaying: 1
V 285 /system/bin/mediaserver MediaPlayerService [22] isPlaying: 1
V 285 /system/bin/mediaserver MediaPlayerService getCurrentPosition
V 285 /system/bin/mediaserver MediaPlayerService [22] getCurrentPosition = 368361
W 285 /system/bin/mediaserver MPEG4Extractor Read byes, returned 11787 bytes
I 285 /system/bin/mediaserver OMXCodec read returned -1004
V 285 /system/bin/mediaserver MediaPlayerService [22] notify (0xedf58, 3, 100, 0)
V 285 /system/bin/mediaserver MediaPlayerService [22] isPlaying: 1
V 285 /system/bin/mediaserver MediaPlayerService getCurrentPosition
V 285 /system/bin/mediaserver MediaPlayerService [22] getCurrentPosition = 369383
V 285 /system/bin/mediaserver MediaPlayerService getCurrentPosition
V 285 /system/bin/mediaserver MediaPlayerService [22] getCurrentPosition = 369383
V 285 /system/bin/mediaserver MediaPlayerService getCurrentPosition
V 285 /system/bin/mediaserver MediaPlayerService [22] getCurrentPosition = 369383
V 285 /system/bin/mediaserver MediaPlayerService [22] isPlaying: 1
V 285 /system/bin/mediaserver MediaPlayerService [22] isPlaying: 1
V 285 /system/bin/mediaserver MediaPlayerService getCurrentPosition
V 285 /system/bin/mediaserver MediaPlayerService [22] getCurrentPosition = 369383
I 285 /system/bin/mediaserver OMX OnEvent(13, 4, 1, 1)
V 285 /system/bin/mediaserver MediaPlayerService [22] notify (0xedf58, 100, 1, -1004)
I 285 /system/bin/mediaserver AwesomePlayer pause_l 1
V 285 /system/bin/mediaserver AudioSink stop
E 14428 MediaPlayer error (1, -1004)
E 14428 MediaPlayer Error (1,-1004)

I 542 system MotOverlay Nothing to do (SP)
I 542 system MotOverlay Nothing to do (C/0)
I 542 system MotOverlay Nothing to do (SP)
I 542 system MotOverlay Nothing to do (C/0)
V 285 /system/bin/mediaserver MediaPlayerService [22] isPlaying: 0
I 542 system WindowManager Setting rotation to 0, animFlags=1
I 542 system MotOverlay overlay_setPosition: invalid size 960/540/0/0
I 542 system MotOverlay Nothing to do (C/0)
D 720 com.motorola.process.system MirrorService onRotationChanged - rotation = 0
D 720 com.motorola.process.system MirrorService onRotationChanged! - PORTRAIT!!!
I 542 system ActivityManager Config changed: { scale=1.0 imsi=450/5 loc=ko_KR touch=3 keys=1/1/2 nav=1/1 orien=1 layout=268435490 uiMode=17 seq=57 FlipFont=0}
I 777 PortalService onConfigurationChanged
I 542 system MotOverlay overlay_setPosition: invalid size 960/540/0/0
I 542 system MotOverlay Nothing to do (C/0)
I 542 system gralloc Allocated 0x660072 size 6488161
I 777 AutoSignInService onConfigurationChanged
I 777 ApnEntitlementService onConfigurationChanged
I 542 system MotOverlay overlay_setPosition: invalid size 960/540/0/0
I 542 system MotOverlay Nothing to do (C/0)
I 542 system gralloc Allocated 0x660072 size 6488161
I 542 system gralloc Allocated 0x660072 size 6488161
D 285 /system/bin/mediaserver AudioHardwareMot AudioStreamOutMot::setParameters() fm_attenuate=0;fm_mute=0
I 542 system MotOverlay overlay_setPosition: invalid size 960/540/0/0
I 542 system MotOverlay Nothing to do (C/0)
I 542 system MotOverlay overlay_setPosition: invalid size 960/540/0/0
I 542 system MotOverlay Nothing to do (C/0)
I 542 system gralloc Allocated 0x660072 size 6488161
I 542 system MotOverlay overlay_setPosition: invalid size 960/540/0/0
I 542 system MotOverlay Nothing to do (C/0)
I 542 system gralloc Allocated 0x660072 size 6488161
I 14428 TiaraManager Current task status is foreground.
V 285 /system/bin/mediaserver MediaPlayerService disconnect(22) from pid 14428
I 285 /system/bin/mediaserver AwesomePlayer reset_l
I 285 /system/bin/mediaserver AwesomePlayer disconnect mConnectingDataSource to unblock reset().
V 285 /system/bin/mediaserver AudioSink stop
V 285 /system/bin/mediaserver AudioSink close
